Skin Food, Finally!

31 May

I have some Skin Food GCs sitting at my wallet, for the longest time. I’ve planned on redeeming it at SM Megamall, but found out that the outlet there was already closed. Bummer!

skin food 1

Why so expensive? 😦

So one weekend that I got the chance to visit SM MOA, I immediately looked for their branch. It’s quite easy to locate, since it is near the entrance to the mall’s wing (I forgot which). This one’s just across the small oval activity area, overlooking the Ocean Drive road.

The loot...

The loot…

Hair products are my priority for my GCs so I went straight for that section in their store. A sales assistant blabbered mechanically about their latest products etc. I was looking for the Argan oil product, in my mind it was a leave-on thing. Turns out, it’s an essence oil for the scalp. Not my thing. So I went to proceed to their other hair products, choosing between the Avocado leave-on fluid and the shampoo + conditioner tandem in exotic container. Giving in to practicality, I opted for something that will save me some bucks on buying essentials….like shampoo and conditioner.

Argain Oil Silk Shampoo (Php845.00)

Argain Oil Silk Shampoo 400ml (Php845.00)

According to Skin Food’s website, the hair needs to be soaked to lukewarm water first before application of the shampoo. They claim that this wonder product “transform dry, damaged hair into healthy, shiny tresses”. Better keep your promise, your prices are not cheap!

Argan Oil Silk Conditioner 390ml (Php845.00)

Argan Oil Silk Conditioner 390ml (Php845.00)

Just as with the shampoo, this conditioner needs to be rinsed with lukewarm water.


I used this both without the help of the lukewarm water since I’ve read about it just now as I’m drafting this blog. I took a shower a little bit before noon, and after nearly 12 hours there’s still a faint trace of the fragrance of the products. My hair is also lighter than usual, not too heavy or oily like those times I use local conditioner. I’ll give an updated feedback after a week or two, and also after I use this with lukewarm water.

I’m kind of hoping to have positive results with Skin Food. I intend to have a brand that I can always go to for my essentials, and I’m giving Skin Food a chance. The only downside I can see as of now is that the Philippine outlets charge almost twice as much. For these babies, the price range is from $13.00-$15.00 on Amazon, and much cheaper if bought straight from Korea or other Asian countries aside from the Philippines.

Will I buy again? We’ll see….


Ground Floor, Entertainment Mall 

SM Mall of Asia

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